Because then of course it's not just Person A wanting to know a few things on Person B, it goes back and forth until you're completely wedged between a rock and a hard place. How can you tell Person A something, and Person B something else whilst withholding information from one or both and manage to keep a handle on the back-and-forth? You really need to keep an eye on who you're texting what to.
That's when Person B tells you that they're actually not interested in Person A! Scandalous, I know! Despite the fact that Person A and Person B have been getting along just fine, and there was the possible prospect of a relationship on the horizon, but ohhhh noooo, Person B is in a relationship already! The humanity! So Person A is of course rather upset, but also confused considering Person B seems more than happy to initiate situations neither of the two should be caught up in!
All the while, poor ol' Person C, (that's me, just in case you've no idea where this midnight ramble is going), is completely trapped in the middle of all the emotions that he doesn't like to take part in. Just stay out of these situations. You've no reason to be there at all, so get out while you still can. And if you're Person A or Person B... stop that. Lead honest lives. You're causing us all issues. You're tearing this family apart.
... It's been a rough couple weeks.
Meta Sentience.
Meta Sentience.
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