Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Meta Mind Control

  Are you problematic? Do you repeatedly offend people on the internet without even realising? Would you like a solution for this issue? For only £39.99 YOU could be the owner of the Conflict Shield! Make sure nothing you say ever causes upset again! Alternatively, if it does, nobody will ever know it was you... subject to availability, may be illegal in some countries. Contains mind control beams stolen back from the FBI and Area 51. While stocks last. 2,347,956% APR.

  If I got your hopes up and you were already frantically searching for a link that would lead you right to purchasing your own Conflict Shield... I don't know, clearly you don't understand this blog yet. Keep reading, I need the views.

  What that little bit of tomfoolery at the beginning was about, is the fact that so many people here on the World Wide Web get offended over things so insignificant. Do you not realise we're on the brink of our planet falling apart, (no, not literally... actually, maybe literally. Don't quote me, I'm no scientist), and Becky's still hung up on Brad saying he prefers Taco Bell over McDonalds. Becky works at McDonalds, how could Brad say something so insensitive?! Grow up, Becky! Not everything is about you!

  Do you want to know the realest piece of advice for when you see something online that offends you? Click off that Tweet, click the little X in the top right of the YouTube video, exit out of this blog as soon as you feel those bad vibes building deep in your soul. It's not worth it.

  But do you know what is worth it? Being a part of the conversation and being more than willing to debate. If somebody you know is a feminist, and you don't support those views? Listen! Have the open-mindedness about you to be able to take on board what they're saying, and then argue against points you don't agree with. If you're a Liberal and your best friend is a Conservative, don't feel the need to shame them for it. Is it really so out there to have a civil discussion?

  I'm not telling you that you don't have the right to be upset about something, I'd just really like to encourage thought before deciding to act. Think before you throw out the racist and sexist cards, wonder if what you're saying will be impactful in the right way. You've no idea what's in a person's head or in their heart via their online persona, so what gives you the right to judge?

  Offer a bit of consideration for your fellow humans, would you? When that happens, we'll be one step closer to a better place for us all.

Meta Sentience.

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