Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Brain Stew: External Scene WIP


Running. Heaving. Sweating. Three things Doug never finds enjoyable, let alone in the morning. Yet here he is doing all three as he’s chased down the street by a mob of angry women, and their respective boyfriends, he’s somehow managed to offend in the space of five minutes.

There’s no time to look behind him. He stares ahead in hopes that if he wills it hard enough they’ll disappear. 

On rounding the corner into the safety of the school grounds, Doug collides with something, no, someone. With all the collisions he’s had already it’s difficult to judge what it is he’s bumping into.

Oh my god, are you okay?

Doug groans - an involuntary sound not even his anxiety can suppress.

I didn’t hurt you did I? I’m so sorry, I was just in a rush and I really can’t be late again, are you alright?

The small science teacher feels the woman with the soft voice helping him sit up. He shakes his head and his eyelids flutter, then he sees her. The woman that managed to distract him during yesterday’s first lesson.

Their eyes clash, the sheer shock of her winsome blue gaze rendering him breathless. Wonderful, more heaving and gasping.

Yeah, Doug, breathe in her face. That’s really sexy. She’ll love that.

Molly is still staring at Doug expectantly. He needs to give her an answer.

Say something. Say anything. Words. English.

Are… you alright?

Doug swallows hard. His already shifty eyes flick around, and then he slaps his own face. Molly jumps, her expression perplexed.

You’re an idiot.

What on earth are you doing? Why did you do that?

…It saves you from doing it.

His words are quick and stunted, sounding like he’s been holding his breath for the ordeal. Molly tilts her head and smiles at Doug; he’s different - she likes that. Taking note of the aggressive looking party of men and women on the other side of the fence, Molly helps Doug to his feet.

Tough morning?

Same as every other.

Dare I ask what you did in order to gain a fan club that size?

I walked into the first guy, bumped into the second, then got shouldered by the third and… accidentally groped the woman I assume is his girlfriend. I ignored the blonde girl when she smiled at me, then tripped over my leg and almost garrotted that brunette.

Doug points and gestures in the direction of each individual, not managing to be as discrete as he might’ve liked.

Oh… is that all?

No. I sneezed on that woman’s kid and apparently angered the father.

  Oh, hello. You found your way down here, did you? What you just read was a small excerpt from the screenplay I've left on hold for about a year. As you can clearly tell, it's still very much a work in progress, but I'd like to finish it someday. It means a lot to me considering I struggle with a lot of the same issues that the wonderful but socially decrepit Doug does, so I hope you liked this little window into my head.


Meta Sentience.

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