Friday, 26 January 2018

Logan Paul: Saving Face

  D... did you hear that? It was a gunshot. Where did it- oh! Of course, that was the sound of me shooting myself in the head because Barbie Girl has been floating around in there for the past hour. Send help ASAP.

  Happy Friday everyone! First day back at work for me today, and it was nice to know I was missed. Even though all I ended up doing was carrying sofas for seven hours. My back and legs are totally not aching at all. Nope. Though in all seriousness my walking stance could be somewhat likened to a fawn on their two goat legs as I hobble around attempting to keep my weight from the heels of my feet. God, I'm old.

  I was thinking of writing a third, (and bloody last), dedicated post on Logan Paul's most recent fuck up, but honestly I'm completely bored of hearing his name, and I'm certainly sick of typing it. So instead, the tiny update on the older Paul will be in this post. Apologies in advance.

  Suicide: Be Here Tomorrow was dropped by Logan a few days ago. I believe it is his third and final apology. A seven minute video dedicated to supposedly opening his eyes to how serious suicide really is. Y'know, as if he was oblivious this whole time. Suicide has been prevalent forever and Logan playing dumb for the sake of his image is truly pathetic.

  The whole video reeks of PR, and I'm taking a guess that his team were the ones that put it together to try and save what face Logan has left. Begrudgingly, I have to commend the donation of one million dollars to various suicide prevention causes, but the sum is irrelevant to me. The money is damage control, that's it.

  But that's just my opinion. I'm genuinely interested to see what everyone's thoughts are so feel free to leave them below. This is the last time that man-child's name will be written on this blog. The end of the conversation has come.

  Thanks for reading as always, and I'll see you lot on Tuesday.

Meta Sentience.

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