Friday, 1 December 2017

Snow Day

  There's something about having your first snow day with your partner in a setting that can only be described as whimsical that really solidifies a relationship. A surprise visit to York for their birthday ended up with us gaining entry to The Shop That Cannot Be Named, (a Harry Potter themed place for those that aren't nerds), and as we were waiting in line, large flakes of snow began to fall.

  ... and fall, and fall, and fall...

  ... and basically drown us as we froze.

  There was a lot of snow is what I'm trying to get at.

  I'm talking streets covered in less than ten minutes, people running for dear life because the citizens of the United Kingdom don't often prepare for a white winter. But despite the cold, we trudged on. Up and down streets full of shivering people, along corners home to buskers and other street performers - and as the man with the black guitar began to sing Can't Help Falling In Love, I somehow felt I had made it. I'm in a random English city with the love of my life, completely drenched by the amount of snow that makes you a little worried to drive, and we're being serenaded with one of our songs... all by complete coincidence.

  Don't look away from the arms of a moment; when you find your moment, I promise it will be worth it.

Meta Sentience.

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