Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Mob Mentality

  The internet is a breeding ground for sadistic individuals. That might be a far cry, or so you might think, but what other platform is there that gives you the ability to target people from the comfort of your own home with almost zero repercussions? Anonymity depersonalizes the bullying, therefore bullies don't get to see how their actions can impact another person.

  I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm the pope, and say I've never said anything against anyone. Of course I have, everybody has. But I most certainly don't do that now, and do my utmost to stay out of drama and away from anywhere it could potentially occur. I think when we talk about people we forget how easy it is to say something derogatory, and that's why we need to be careful online.

  Large groups taking sides can cause mob mentality and a giant circle jerk of people accusing and harassing others. The issue here is that nobody takes responsibility for their own actions, and if there's a way to plant the blame elsewhere that route will be taken. This in a way is a tie in to my last post about YouTube and the reasons it's become so toxic. Mob mentality is one of those reasons.

  Basically, be careful online. It's so easy to scroll down to the comments section and leave a life impacting comment just because you can. It's so easy to take a private photo and post it for a community to see, and for them to leave obnoxious, nasty comments. There are no immediate consequences on the internet. That is the very reason so many people get hurt, and that's exactly what we all are - people.

Meta Sentience.

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