Tuesday, 20 February 2018

An Irrevocable Bond

  I am fast approaching my two year anniversary with my partner and it's such a weird feeling. Knowing we've been together that long but it not feeling anywhere near that length of time at all. It's really nice. Seeing them is constantly refreshing, which is definitely something I need when life feels a little repetitive.

  I never used to believe in soul mates or anything like that, but there's a part of me that believes I've found mine. It'll save me time searching in the long run anyways. It means I get to experience life with them, which to me now seems like the only way to experience it. I wonder if we'd met six months prior like we were 'supposed' to our relationship would be any different. I have no answer to that, but I'm very glad that it worked out the way it did. 

  Our bond was built high in those six months, and finally meeting in person was... a one of a kind experience. I've never felt that kind of connection with anybody before, and I doubt I ever will again. I won't need to, and knowing that is an incredible feeling.

Meta Sentience.

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