Tuesday, 27 June 2017

The End Of An Era

  Now that the Blurryface era has come to a close, I know there's a lot of people in the clique that feel as if they're lost, and I can understand that. But the end of an era means the dawn of a new one. The start of something beautiful and exciting that none of us can even sense yet.

  I'm so proud to be a part of everything Twenty Øne Piløts have created and inspired. I'm so proud that two boys with severe anxiety and depression have selflessly helped so many individuals battle those same issues. Anxiety has plagued me my entire life, but I can honestly say their music has helped me in ways I could never properly thank them for.

  So many of us finally realised that our lives mean something because of Tyler and Josh's efforts; through the energy and passion that drives their music, and us as an audience. They're still alive. We're still alive. And with that comes the intrinsic spark in all of us to continue on, however difficult circumstances may get.

  So as the new era approaches, here we are saying goodbye to Blurryface. Yet here we stay as the few, the prøud, the emøtiønal.

  Here's a photo took at a local convention of me, (Josh Dun), and my partner, (Tyler Joseph). Stay street, everyone. |-/

Meta Sentience.

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